KACF supports young artists from Korea and other parts of the world as they perform in Boston and and create venues for them to collaborate. The roster of artists KACF supported through local music concert series include the following artists in the Boston community: Seungho Jang, Kyumin Shim, Jaehoon Kang, Greg Groover Jr., Andrew Marzotto, Noam Israel, Osmar Okuma, Luke Marantz, Mike Bono, Kiwoong Choi, Too Klez for Comfort, Kay Jang, Gayoung Bae, Yeongeun Kim, Cholong Park, Deborah Palmer, Josephina Kim, Nicholas Southwich, Helen Cho, Yoon Chung, Minhyeob Park, Jihyung Hong, Hugh Cha, Rina Minjin Jo, Catey Esler, Christina Cheon, Eli Cohen, Chris McCarthy, Wonmi Jung, Do Yeon Kim, Chase Morrin, Yu Mi Bae, Clear Ryu, Tyler Tsunekawa, What is Noise, Some Assembly Required, Justin Croushore, Justin Stanley, Wolcott Humphrey, Andrea Baker, Lauren Landry, Jason Huffman, Phillip Sullivan, Jesse Metzler, So Young Kwon, Hilary Meyer, Izzy Taylor, Ohkyeong Kwon, Jina Jung, Ian DePriest, Robin Cho, Di eVana, Eitan Gofman, Kina Park, Hee Yeon Chi, Euna Koh, Danbi Cho, Hyun Ji Kwon, Shannon Ignatius, Hwaum Boston Chamber Orchestra, Kumju Park, Alan Peralta.